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Origins and current state of a sculptor in constant evolution.

Not too long ago, a veteran plastic artist used to say that Dora Gabay has her brain in her head but heart and soul in her hands. That’s why her sculptures are not only pieces of art; but also expressions like joy or sadness. They are looks that send across messages of tenderness, naivety, or good will, always attached to a profound humanity, without exceptions.

Not too long ago, a veteran plastic artist used to say that Dora Gabay has her brain in her head but heart and soul in her hands. That’s why her sculptures are not only pieces of art; but also expressions like joy or sadness. They are looks that send across messages of tenderness, naivety, or good will, always attached to a profound humanity, without exceptions.

In the late 90s and early XX, her professors were Daniel Briceño, Fenier Pérez, Haydée Arias and Antonio Chiffone at Basic Modeling and Human Figure Modeling; Carlos Finales at Enameled Ceramics Technique; Laura Palazzi at Lathe and Beatriz Peñín on Stained Glass

She participated in her first collective presentation, “Feminists” in 1995 at “El Morrocoy Azul” gallery. Since then, she has made her presence in other 17 collective presentations in several galleries, presentation halls and important hotels as the Tamanaco and the Embassy Suites.

Since 1996 and until today, Dora’s resin and bronze sculptures have been the focus point on 7 individual exhibitions and has 2 more being prepared. Meanwhile, many relevant marchands in Caracas, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, Bogota, Santo Domingo, Rome and other cities look for her pieces with high interest. Many of her works are in the hands of first rated collectors in Caracas, the capitals mentioned and even others, including world renowned personalities as Luciano Pavarotti and the Russian poet Yevgueni Yevtushenko.

A prominent feature in Dora is that, she has never limited herself to just applying what she learned from her teachers. Above that base knowledge is a self-taught artist who has become a full-fledged master, who not only models but personally executes every step of the sculpture with the help of her own artisan team until the finishing touches in bronze or resin are implemented in her sculptures that range from small formats around 30cms tall to a height of over 2 meters.

Her figurative work depicts these splendid women that work, dance and sing but also shows animated female and male characters – which practice sports, make colorful balances on unicycles and stilts. Always dashing in creative and original combinations of colors, that no matter from where they are looked upon, they not only call for your attention, but are also magnificent songs of joy to the creative spirit and of the fantasy that comes from their most wonderful humanity.

Dora Gabay keeps her career in constant advancement and development, and her figurative zest in permanent success, opening new ways and original doors to the inexhaustible fantasy that are the imagination and art alongside the powerful vigor of her fascinating imagination.

Not too long ago, a veteran plastic artist used to say that Dora Gabay has her brain in her head but heart and soul in her hands. That’s why her sculptures are not only pieces of art; but also expressions like joy or sadness. They are looks that send across messages of tenderness, naivety, or good will, always attached to a profound humanity, without exceptions.

In the late 90s and early XX, her professors were Daniel Briceño, Fenier Pérez, Haydée Arias and Antonio Chiffone at Basic Modeling and Human Figure Modeling; Carlos Finales at Enameled Ceramics Technique; Laura Palazzi at Lathe and Beatriz Peñín on Stained Glass

She participated in her first collective presentation, “Feminists” in 1995 at “El Morrocoy Azul” gallery. Since then, she has made her presence in other 17 collective presentations in several galleries, presentation halls and important hotels as the Tamanaco and the Embassy Suites.

Since 1996 and until today, Dora’s resin and bronze sculptures have been the focus point on 7 individual exhibitions and has 2 more being prepared. Meanwhile, many relevant marchands in Caracas, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, Bogota, Santo Domingo, Rome and other cities look for her pieces with high interest. Many of her works are in the hands of first rated collectors in Caracas, the capitals mentioned and even others, including world renowned personalities as Luciano Pavarotti and the Russian poet Yevgueni Yevtushenko.

A prominent feature in Dora is that, she has never limited herself to just applying what she learned from her teachers. Above that base knowledge is a self-taught artist who has become a full-fledged master, who not only models but personally executes every step of the sculpture with the help of her own artisan team until the finishing touches in bronze or resin are implemented in her sculptures that range from small formats around 30cms tall to a height of over 2 meters.

Her figurative work depicts these splendid women that work, dance and sing but also shows animated female and male characters – which practice sports, make colorful balances on unicycles and stilts. Always dashing in creative and original combinations of colors, that no matter from where they are looked upon, they not only call for your attention, but are also magnificent songs of joy to the creative spirit and of the fantasy that comes from their most wonderful humanity.

Dora Gabay keeps her career in constant advancement and development, and her figurative zest in permanent success, opening new ways and original doors to the inexhaustible fantasy that are the imagination and art alongside the powerful vigor of her fascinating imagination.