Over the years, many have been the special requests that people make me, either to immortalize a loved one, to create a special detail for the employees of a company or the trophy of an award, as well as beautiful sculptures to decorate buildings, shopping centers, hotels, etc …

Each of these projects that I have carried out has a story full of emotions and feelings that you will find in detail in my book.

It is important that you know that if you want to do something special you can count on me.


Special Orders


This is one of the orders that I enjoy doing the most, it reminded me of all my childhood ice creams. My representative, at that time it was the Freites Gallery, told me that his client had dreamed of making an ice cream parlor with his brand so that it would remain as a testimony of more than fifty years of tradition.


It was a very laborious work and of some months, but it was worth it to manage to immortalize this wonderful scene.


Talking about Lucas is reliving a wonderful experience, full of simplicity, spontaneity and love.

The gallery I worked for told me about the need that one of their clients had, to make a sculpture of a gardener, it was about a man who for years worked for that family, in gratitude they wanted to immortalize him.

Accept the commission, leave your love, dedication to his plants and to that family that loves him so much on Lucas’s sculpture. God give you lots of light where you are.

San Miguel Arcangel

I received a call from a stranger, requesting me to make a person-sized Saint Michael the Archangel. He told me a fascinating story about a miracle and that he had to fulfill a promise and the building would be the Archangel. Now it is a reality, it happened and it is there.

It was a very laborious work and of some months, but it was worth it to manage to immortalize this wonderful scene.