The shadows

They can be ghosts that are born of realities;or realities that they don't know they are.Ingenious mechanisms to play with,or unforeseen events that scare us.A search,

An escape or a happy meeting.The dark part of a person or a shame we left behind A sound that comes back to us But he is never the same again or brings us anything new.A spirit without a soul of its own. That can even become gigantic and terrifying but sooner rather than later it gets crushed against any wall.

Shades that they are not what they boast and that they always lie, is your destiny, although they are born of a truth.

Play with your shadows without fear, discover them and show them with curiosity and an investigative spirit, but always keep them at bay, lest you end up becoming one of them. Six shadows, six, which can be many more, that’s up to you.

Or nothing.

Who has not been a magician trying on occasions to make several pieces of bread come out to feed loved ones, or to change what surrounds us, and how many times as magicians we fail to maintain the charm of a relationship, or how many other times Magic traps us and corners us inside a box and they stab us with daggers and cut us the head and suffer as much until the act ends?

Magic traps us all the time; With a sunrise, sunset, dusk, with the color and shadows that scare or surprise us. Who has not been placed in the muzzle and thrown like a human bullet at the fame, success, failure, love or death?


Who has not been a trapeze artist? All the time we are on the trapeze held by a thread called life from which we can fall at any moment but still we are always on the move with funny forms full of tension and illusion where sometimes we find company and other times we rock alone.

Dora Gabay PLASTIC ARTIST SCULPTRESS has her brain in her head but heart and soul in her hands | Origins and current state of a sculptor in constant evolution.

AutorDora Gabay has her brain in her head but heart and soul in her hands. That’s why her sculptures are not only pieces of art; but also expressions like joy or sadness. They are looks that send across messages of tenderness, naivety, or good will, always attached to a profound humanity, without exceptions.

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